Version 3.1.0 (2018-Abr-26)
- SA-1 support. REQUIRES ASAR 1.60 OR NEWER.
- Added Ice Flower.
- Added Cloud Flower.
- Added Bubble Flower.
- Included some UberASM Tool codes.
- Added information about powerups in the readme.
- Fixed Mario going up in the overworld tile.
- Fixed tile reveal animation in the overworld.
- Fixed a graphical error when two or more powerup items were loaded in the same frame.
- Fixed swimming poses not being properly displayed at specific cases, this also fixes several other poses.
- Boomerangs from Boomerang Mario didn't properly stop uploading their GFX if they were catched by Mario.
- Feathers from super koopas now spawn appropriately.
- Mushroom from bubbles now spawns appropriately.
- Goal tape item now spawns appropriately.
- Cape flight is now reset when the player gets another powerup.
- Frog Mario physics are disabled when the player isn't controlling Mario, this fixes some issues with animations.
- Adjusted Frog Mario collision points with layers when he's swimming.
- Adjusted some Frog Mario poses.
- Fixed a rare error related to graphics insertion.
- Fixed a potential crash in SA-1 ROMs regarding poses.
- Propeller suit item seems to behave properly now.
- Optimized a bit extended sprites' sprite detection routine.
- Mushrooms taken when Mario was in his mini form didn't have any effect.
- Fixed a pose when Frog Mario jumped out of the water
- Mini Mario no longer activates the drop item box routine when dying.
- Removed Per Level Sprites support from projectiles. Nobody uses them and their tables used a good amount of free space (8KiB for each projectile).
- Reworked how projectiles killed their DMA routine, it should be working as expected now.
- Included the, unfinished, Penguin Suit powerup. If someone wants to finish it, go ahead.
- ExtendedGetDrawInfoSpecial now clears the DMA bit flag if it detects that the sprite is dead in the current frame, just in case of bad coding practices.
- Adjusted addons' freespace finder to use banks in the 10-3F/90-BF range.
- Fixed a few addresses not using FastROM addressing.
- Fixed crash when hitting a sprite if your powerup status number was over $10
- Fixed powerup_items.palmask not masking out the correct colors.
- image_engine.asm was slightly optimized.
Version 3.0.4 (2018-Jan-24)
- Implemented a define to force users to read the readme so people actually read it.
- Made possible to edit palettes with LM, instead of building tables you just edit a .mw3 file in powerups_files/powerup_misc_data/palette_files
- Fixed a problem with dynamic powerup tile allocation when a propeller suit was using the second dynamic item tile.
- Dynamic powerup items DMA routine got reprogrammed, it now uploads only the required graphics and it's faster in most cases.
- Fixed a potential SA-1 crash/unintended behavior in the powerup items DMA routine.
- Reworked the logic behind the dynamic item tile allocation, this fixes a issue where new powerup items would overwrite old items graphics if the latest item that you got was the newest one.
- Reworked the logic behind Projectile DMA, now it uploads the necessary graphics when it's actually required.
- Cape/Extra tile DMA routine doesn't get executed if there's no tile set for the current powerup state.
- GFX and Extra Tile indexes are now stored to RAM (Read only).
- Adjusted Shell Mario's speed when the player is inside of the shell so it doesn't break have some clipping issues.
- Added a few defines in Shell powerup defines file.
- Fixed Shell suit's question mark block.
- Boomerangs didn't stop uploading their graphics if they were catched by Mario
- Fixed some alignments with Boomerang Mario graphics.
- Added missing frames for Boomerang Mario.
- Fixed some misalignments of the Raccoon tail
- Extra tile now disappears if Mario was instantly killed
- Reseted some statuses for Frog Mario
- Made possible for Frog Mario to carry sprites.
- Added a define to decide if Frog Mario is able to ride Yoshi.
- Reseted some statuses for Mini Mario
- Raccoon tail now attacks both back and front when doing a spin attack.
- Fixed YXPPCCT properties for the tanooki suit and super leaf powerup items when they are in the item box.
- Fixed some issues when trying to insert with an older asar the propeller mushroom powerup. You should be using the latest asar version anyway.
- Fixed some X speeds for the iceball projectile. Not that the powerup is actually usable though...
Version 3.0.3 (2018-Jan-16)
- Added Question Mark blocks that spawns powerups
- Added a folder with some defines that you need, this was added in case someone have different folders for GPS and PIXI
- Added the missing stuff for PIXI
- Added a missing global palette file.
- Implemented a Install Byte, this fixed the problem for autocleaning stuff that you shouldn't.
- !power_ram is now initialized when getting a powerup.
- Fixed the mushroom graphics for the bubble sprite and fishin' lakitu.
- Implemented !slide_flag and !ducking_flag.
- Extra tile is now properly displayed in the overworld.
- Made dynamic the 1-up mushroom spawned by 1-up checkpoints.
- Frog Mario now slides automatically on slopes if the player isn't pressing Left or Right.
- Frog Mario no longer ducks. Quack.
- Frog Mario now has a better behavior on slopes
- Frog Mario can't hold items underwater anymore.
- Fixed a potential SA-1 crash or unintended behavior related to Frog Mario losing Yoshi.
- Removed "C3 Beta" from the print statement
Version 3.0.0 C3 Release(2018-Jan-14)
- Added several powerups
- !ride_yoshi_flag wasn't working properly
- 5th tile now properly hides when its told to disappear with $78 and the settings
- Fixed item box graphics not reloading when loading a sublevel
- Fixed a garbage item appearing instead of a mushroom when triggering an invisible mushroom
- Commented out the code regarding cover up tiles
- Added !power_ram, basically a small block of reserved RAM for usage with powerups
- Fixed item box items spawning in the same coordinates as the sprite that hurt Mario
- Added !insta_kill_flag.
- Expanded default powerup states to $12
- Fixed some items breaking the item box graphics
- Made several RAMs clear every frame
- Included some addresses at $028008 for easier reading.
Version 3.0.0 Beta(2017-Aug-16)
- 32x32 patch integration
- Removed Mario's 8x8 tiles DMAer patch
- Included a proper readme
- Dynamic powerup items are now available
- Made possible to use a 5th tile
- Cape tile is now isolated from GFX32
- Annoying sound effect when using !disable_spin_jump is gone
- Removed other_patches directory.
- Added a bonus room fix if using Dynamic Items.
- Cape shenaningans are fixed
- Introduced !ride_yoshi_flag, so you can disable riding Yoshi without very specific stuff
- Made some optimizations to some files.
- Got rid of some bad formatting in most of the asm files
Version 2.1.1 (2016-Jun-27)
- Added a little patch that disables riding yoshi if !flags isn't zero.
- Fixed a bug with Raccoon-like powerups making the wrong SFX.
- Fixed a bug with Raccoon-like and Cape powerups not being able to kill enemies with cape/tail.
- Made !wait_timer usable again.
- Fixed the inclusion of other_patches/custom_interaction.asm
- Removed unnecesary lines on powerups_files/palette_engine.asm
Version 2.1.0 (2016-Jun-10)
- Added Raccoon-like powerups compatibility.
- Added two extra RAMs: !cape_settings & !flight_timer.
- Fixed the bug when the player has Star power and it only flashes between normal palette and fire palette of player 1.
- Added a table that will let you to decide which palettes to show when using a Star.
- Added a file that let's you to have custom interaction codes with sprites.
- Added compatibility with Sonikku's Custom Default Interaction patch.
Version 2.0.1 (2016-Apr-13)
- Fixed a issue with some defines in extended_sprites.asm. Thanks to Rykon-V73 for reporting this.
Version 2.0.0 (2016-Mar-24)
- Every file has been moved.
- It's now easier to update (at least for me).
- Powerups have been removed from this patch, you must download them separately.
- Included a quick guide fow newbie users.
- Separated the advanced stuff in powerups_manual.txt
- Probably a lot of stuff was changed, kek.
Version 1.1.0(2016-Jan-2)
- Tiny Mushroom powerup from NSMBWii is now available.
- Cloud flower powerup from SMG series is now available. Huge thanks to Lui37.
- The patch is now fully SA-1 compatible, just insert it as you would do normally and the patch will handle everything like every new patch on SMWC.
- Hammer and Boomerangs now interact with layer 1 objects.
- Boomerang can retrieve some sprites when fired, this makes the Boomerang to not be just a Hammer clone.
- Custom interaction fields with sprites is now possible.
- Custom interaction dots/points with layer 1/2 (maybe 3?) is now possible.
- Remapping some smoke particles is now optional too. A define is included in powerup_defs.asm to decide if insert the hex edits or not.
- Added a define to control which extended sprite number will Mario shoot while having powerup that shoots projectiles.
- Added a define to change where the Projectile DMA graphics will be loaded to.
- Made some (small) name changes to some files in powerup_files folder.
- Changed the custom sprite settings table in sprites_props.asm to use bits instead of hex values.
- Minor Extender patch is now completely optional, you still require to patch the file though, specially if you want those Z tiles fixed.
- Patch size increased a bit.
- Migrated from Item Box Special 1.1 to 1.3.
- Added several custom blocks.
- Mode 7 Game Over patch detection. Clearing $7E2000 area made this patch to display an invisible Mario, this is now fixed.
- Fixed a HUGE mistake on IceBlock.asm. Changed a $1622,x to $1686,x.
- Iceball image is now properly aligned while using the projectile DMA feature.
- Riding Yoshi instantly bug is now gone.
- Projectile DMA feature now works correctly in title screen. Thanks to KDee for reporting this.
- Mario's 8x8 tiles weren't showing correctly on title screen, it's fixed now.
- Fixed several misplaced things.
Version 1.0.0 (2015-Aug-21)
- Bubble projectile is now available.
- Mario ExGFX integrated in the patch.
- Added a feature that uploads dynamically the projectiles GFX to the VRAM and it can be disabled if the user wants.
- Optimized most of the graphic files for the powerup tilemaps, now they are 12kB instead of 24kB.
- The new insert size of the patch is 87472 bytes instead of 178909 bytes.
- There are a bunch of defines in powerup_defs.asm that let you to remap some GFX00 and GFX01 stuff.
- DKC Status bar compatibility.
- !shell_immunity now has a purpose. Thanks to Lui37.
- Included some defines to set the tile/YXPPCCCT properties of the projectiles in powerup_defs.asm
- Added some settings for Mario Statue in sprite_props.asm.
- Tanooki suit was using the wrong combination of buttons to trigger the statue.
- Mario statue was able to climb in nets.
- Mario statue was using spin jump instead of a custom routine to detect sprites and kill them or be invincible to them.
- Fixed a bug in question block that doesn't do anything in vertical levels.
- Ice blocks weren't detecting ceilings correctly.
- Iceballs now really listen to the sprite_props.asm settings.
- Iceballs doesn't display a fireball when are about to disappear in a puff of smoke.
- And probably a lot more. I don't remember what I fixed (forgot to create a list... >.>).
Alpha versions (201X-???-??)
- Lot of stuff is lost, you can download older versions if you are curious about how this patch evolved.
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