Super Mario World SRAM Map (by Lui37)

Total size of SRAM used by the game is 858 bytes ($70:0000 - $70:0359).
Each file uses 143 bytes, with the last two being the checksum complement (or whatever it's called).

Data of file A: $70:0000 - $70:008E
Data of file B: $70:008F - $70:011D
Data of file C: $70:011E - $70:01AC

Copy of file A: $70:01AD - $70:023B
Copy of file B: $70:023C - $70:02CA
Copy of file C: $70:02CB - $70:0359

AddressSizeMirrorsTypeQuick Description
$70:000096 bytes$7E:1EA2MARIO AOverworld level setting flags.
$70:006015 bytes$7E:1F02MARIO AOverworld event flags, bitwise.
$70:006F1 byte$7E:1F11MARIO ACurrent submap for Mario.
$70:00701 byte$7E:1F12MARIO ACurrent submap for Luigi.
$70:00714 bytes$7E:1F13MARIO APlayer animation on the overworld
$70:00752 bytes$7E:1F17MARIO AOverworld X position of Mario.
$70:00772 bytes$7E:1F19MARIO AOverworld Y position of Mario.
$70:00792 bytes$7E:1F1BMARIO AOverworld X position of Luigi.
$70:007B2 bytes$7E:1F1DMARIO AOverworld Y position of Luigi.
$70:007D2 bytes$7E:1F1FMARIO APointer to Mario's overworld X position.
$70:007F2 bytes$7E:1F21MARIO APointer to Mario's overworld Y position.
$70:00812 bytes$7E:1F23MARIO APointer to Luigi's overworld X position.
$70:00832 bytes$7E:1F25MARIO APointer to Luigi's overworld Y position.
$70:00854 bytes$7E:1F27MARIO ASwitch block flags (Green, Yellow, Blue and Red).
$70:00893 bytes$7E:1F2BMARIO AEmpty. Cleared at reset and titlescreen load.
$70:008C1 byte$7E:1F2EMARIO ANumber of events triggered.
$70:008D2 bytesN/AMARIO AChecksum complement.
$70:008F96 bytes$7E:1EA2MARIO BOverworld level setting flags.
$70:00EF15 bytes$7E:1F02MARIO BOverworld event flags, bitwise.
$70:00FE1 byte$7E:1F11MARIO BCurrent submap for Mario.
$70:00FF1 byte$7E:1F12MARIO BCurrent submap for Luigi.
$70:01004 bytes$7E:1F13MARIO BPlayer animation on the overworld
$70:01042 bytes$7E:1F17MARIO BOverworld X position of Mario.
$70:01062 bytes$7E:1F19MARIO BOverworld Y position of Mario.
$70:01082 bytes$7E:1F1BMARIO BOverworld X position of Luigi.
$70:010A2 bytes$7E:1F1DMARIO BOverworld Y position of Luigi.
$70:010C2 bytes$7E:1F1FMARIO BPointer to Mario's overworld X position.
$70:010E2 bytes$7E:1F21MARIO BPointer to Mario's overworld Y position.
$70:01102 bytes$7E:1F23MARIO BPointer to Luigi's overworld X position.
$70:01122 bytes$7E:1F25MARIO BPointer to Luigi's overworld Y position.
$70:01144 bytes$7E:1F27MARIO BSwitch block flags (Green, Yellow, Blue and Red).
$70:01183 bytes$7E:1F2BMARIO BEmpty. Cleared at reset and titlescreen load.
$70:011B1 byte$7E:1F2EMARIO BNumber of events triggered.
$70:011C2 bytesN/AMARIO BChecksum complement.
$70:011E96 bytes$7E:1EA2MARIO COverworld level setting flags.
$70:017E15 bytes$7E:1F02MARIO COverworld event flags, bitwise.
$70:018D1 byte$7E:1F11MARIO CCurrent submap for Mario.
$70:018E1 byte$7E:1F12MARIO CCurrent submap for Luigi.
$70:018F4 bytes$7E:1F13MARIO CPlayer animation on the overworld
$70:01932 bytes$7E:1F17MARIO COverworld X position of Mario.
$70:01952 bytes$7E:1F19MARIO COverworld Y position of Mario.
$70:01972 bytes$7E:1F1BMARIO COverworld X position of Luigi.
$70:01992 bytes$7E:1F1DMARIO COverworld Y position of Luigi.
$70:019B2 bytes$7E:1F1FMARIO CPointer to Mario's overworld X position.
$70:019D2 bytes$7E:1F21MARIO CPointer to Mario's overworld Y position.
$70:019F2 bytes$7E:1F23MARIO CPointer to Luigi's overworld X position.
$70:01A12 bytes$7E:1F25MARIO CPointer to Luigi's overworld Y position.
$70:01A34 bytes$7E:1F27MARIO CSwitch block flags (Green, Yellow, Blue and Red).
$70:01A73 bytes$7E:1F2BMARIO CEmpty. Cleared at reset and titlescreen load.
$70:01AA1 byte$7E:1F2EMARIO CNumber of events triggered.
$70:01AB2 bytesN/AMARIO CChecksum complement.
$70:01AD143 bytes$70:0000CopyContains a copy of "MARIO A" file, after saving.
Last two bytes represent the checksum complement.
$70:023C143 bytes$70:008FCopyContains a copy of "MARIO B" file, after saving.
Last two bytes represent the checksum complement.
$70:02CB143 bytes$70:011ECopyContains a copy of "MARIO C" file, after saving.
Last two bytes represent the checksum complement.