Map16 files documentation by Ersanio. Map16Page.bin: This file contains the 8x8 tile numbers to use for each map16 tile. This means that 1 map16 tile is 8 bytes long. Each 8x8 tile uses 2 bytes, which is little endian. The format was pretty much surprising: TTTTTTTT YXPCCCTT Y stands for 'flip tile vertically' X stands for 'flip tile horizontally' P stands for 'layer priority' C stands for 'color/palette' T stands for Tile number. The first 8x8 tile is the top left one, the second one is the bottom left one, the third one is the top right one, the fourth one is the bottom right one. This file can be used for all the map16 pages (0-1F) Map16PageG.bin: This file contains the 'act' like settings of a whole map16 page. each act like setting is 2 bytes long. When it is an 8-bit value, its big endian, when it is a 16-bit value, its little endian. Example: Act like tile 25: 25 00 Act like tile 130: 30 01 Map16FG.bin: This file contains the 8x8 tile numbers to use for each map16 tile, of ALL the map16 FG pages (0-F). The format is the same as Map16Page.bin Map16FGG.bin: This file contains the 'act' like settings of ALL the FG map16 pages (0-F). The format is the same as Map16PageG.bin. Map16BG.bin: This file contains the 8x8 tile numbers to use for each map16 tile, of ALL the map16 BG pages (10-1F). The format is the same as Map16Page.bin Hopefully I have informed you enough with this small txt file, on how Lunar Magic uses map16 pages. Credits goes to my boredom which made me do this boring documenting.