Lunar Magic Overworld Tutorial| ------------------------------- | Made by hugezeldafan94 | | | ------------------------- ~Table of Contents~ (use ctrl+F to search faster) 1. Overview of the Buttons (otb) 2. 8x8 Review (8x8rv) 3. 16x16 Review (16x16rv) 4. 8x8 Event Review (8x8evrv) 5. Sprites Review (sprv) 6. Some practice to make sure you've got it (prtc) 7. Email & Credits (crds) ---------------------------------- |1. Overview of the Buttons (otb)| ---------------------------------- Here I will review all of the buttons on the top of the Overworld Editor. (NOTE: If your version of Lunar Magic doesn't have the buttons, download the one from It's under Tools.) Let's start from left to right. Reload Button: Reloads the previously saved overworld. If you were messing around and don't want to keep the overworld the way it is, press this button to reload it the way it was from the previous save. If you haven't saved an overworld before, (this is assuming you haven't, since you're reading this) it'll open up the default overworld. Save Button: This saves your changes. It's the exact same as in Lunar Magic, so this shouldn't be too confusing. Layer 1 16x16 Editor Button: This edits levels and Mario Paths. For more info, go to Section 3. Layer 1 16x16 Event Editor Button: You'll never use this, so don't bother. Layer 2 8x8 Editor Button: This edits the land. For more info go to Section 2. Layer 2 8x8 Event Editor Button: This edits events. It's how your paths lay out. For more info go to section 4. Sprite Editor Button: This edits sprites. For more info go to Section 5. 8x8 Overworld Tile Selector Button: This opens up 8x8 tiles. Inside you'll find several different version of a tile, called palettes. You can find just about every land tile in here. If it's too confusing, just copy tiles from the previous Overworld. 16x16 Overworld Tile Selector Button: This opens up 16x16 tiles. Inside you'll find Mario Paths, every level tile that was in the original Super Mario World, and Water Mario Paths. Layer 2 Event Tile Selector Button: This opens up all the tiles you can use for events. If you're making an event, open this up and take a look for what tile you want. Palette Editor Button: This will edit the colors of your overworld. Select a color, click on it, and click on a different color to edit it. This can be used to make Icy Overworlds, Snowy Overworlds, etc. View Animation: This turns animation for the overworld on and off. Animations are things like water moving, boos around a Ghost House, Yoshi's House's Smoke, etc. Click it once to turn it on, and again to turn it off. View Layer 1 Mario Paths Button: This will turn Mario's Paths on and off. This is just to view them though, it doesn't delete the paths if you turn them off. Hit "0" to make the paths translucent, and again to make them solid. The next four buttons are only available in "Layer 1 16x16 Editor" mode. Modify Level Tile Settings Button: Allows you to change level settings such as which level the tile corresponds to, what event(s) it corresponds to, etc. To view it, select a level tile and click the button. Destroy Level Tile Settings Button: Allows you to destroy a level tile during a certain event. To do this, select a Switch Palace, Fortress, or Castle level tile and click this button. Then click which event you want it to be destroyed on. Exit Level Tile Settings Button: Allows you to link up level exit tiles. This requires two Exit Tiles on two seperate maps. Select one Exit Tile, and click this button. In the first box, select which map the exit tile is on. In the second box, select which map you're going to. Then in the third box, select which area mario will come from when he enters the map. Star and Pipe Level Settings Button: Allows you to set settings for Star Exits and Pipe Exits. First, select which map the first portal will be on. Then, select the map the corresponding portal will be on. Then you're done! Oh, and don't forget to make sure the coordinants are right. Since they don't have every single one, you may have to place the portals somewhere else away from your liking. Edit Boss Sequence Text: This will edit what the text says after you beat a castle. Edit Message Box Text: This edits what the message boxes say. The first box is what appears at the begining of the game, and the second box is what appears when you first find Yoshi. The rest of the boxes correspond to the level their title says. Each level can have two different message boxes. Edit Level Names: This will allow you to edit level names. It can also be a nice tool to figure out which name corresponds to the level you're editing. Let's skip the next two, as this is a more basic overworld tutorial. Edit Sprites List: This will edit what sprites appear on the screen. If you don't want Yoshi's house level at all, make sure you delete the level AND delete the smoke that appears from his house. You can also add extra sprites if you want. Those are all the buttons we'll be using. Often I'll just say "The ghost house button" or something for short. ----------------------- |2. 8x8 Review (8x8rv)| ----------------------- The 8x8 Editor is the Green Hill button without the star on it. What it does is edit the land. This makes everything mario walks on: Paths, hills, water, rocks, grass, etc. etc. You'll spend a lot of time here making the land unique. How to use it: First click on the green hill button. You'll see some paths on the left. You can get to more tiles by clicking on the button that has only one corner of a rock hilighted. I highly recommend that you start with Yoshi's Island and keep the overworld. That way, if you need a tile that you can't find, you can just copy it from the Overworld. To copy a tile, first left click on it. Then, right click to copy it. You can also hilight multiple tiles at a time to copy multiple things at a time. To delete unwanted tiles, left click the tile(s) and hit Delete on your keyboard. You'll spend a lot of time in this editor, so you should get familiar with it. This may mean reseting the overworld several times until you get your design just right. When you're making islands and such, try to make them look realistic, not blocky. You can also look at the SMW overworld for ideas, but don't copy them straight up or people will think you're not creative and won't want to play your hack or will give you a bad rating. Once you've got an idea of how to use this, move onto the next section. --------------------------- |3. 16x16 Review (16x16rv)| --------------------------- The 16x16 Editor is the Ghost House button without the star on it. What it does is edit the levels you play on. This editor creates water levels, land levels, underground levels, castles, fortresses, switch palaces, and even Bowser's Castle. It also creates the paths that mario walks on. These paths tell mario where he can walk. How to use it: First, click on the Ghost House button. You are now in the 16x16 Editor Mode. Now click on the Blue Switch. (It's next to the 8x8 editor button) You'll now see a window of all the levels and mario paths you can put in the world. To practice, put down two visible tiles. Now turn on mario's paths. (the green path button) Now you'll see the blank spots on the 16x16 editor window fill up with paths mario can walk on. The green paths are land paths, while the blue/translucent outlined paths are water paths. Make sure you use the right ones or it'll look like mario is swimming on land or walking on water. Also, the ones that look like little ladders are climbing paths. You'll put these on walls you want mario to climb on. Finally, the red paths are exit paths. Exit paths allow Mario to move from one map to another. So, this is probably a lot to think about. No problem. Once we go to the practice section you'll be able to try this all out, step by step. Then you'll have a good idea on how to make your own hack. Oh, and another thing... When you turn on mario's paths, you'll see green and blue circles over the level tiles. Mario will stop on these circles. Level tiles that are lit up are levels that mario can see from anywhere on the map, even if he hasn't unlocked that level yet. Faded level tiles are level tiles that will be revealed once Mario gets to them. Finally, a green circle indicates a land level, while a blue circle indicates a water level. Be sure you put the right levels in the right places, or, like before, it'll look like mario's standing on water or swimming inside of land. To edit a level tile's settings, first select the level tile. Now click on the button that looks like a lit up level. (next to the broken castle button) You'll now see some boxes and check boxes. I'll go over each one. The first box is what level number will be used for that tile. So if you select level 1 for your level tile, you'll get level 1 in Lunar Magic linked up to it. The second box is what event activates when you beat that level. Every level should have an event linked to it, unless it's a level where you just get powerups or information. We'll go over events in the next section. Secret Exits are the current event +1. The third box is which direction Mario will go in when he beats the level. If your next level is to the right, then set it to right. If your next level is down, set it to down. The fourth box is the direction Mario will go in when he gets a secret exit. If your level doesn't have a secret exit, just leave this the way it is, since it won't matter. The last box is the event that will make the level appear. If you're editing a level tile's settings that's already appeared, then don't select anything in this box. We'll go more in depth with this in the next section. Now for the boxes on the right, from top to bottom: The first one allows mario to walk up from that level. The second allows him to walk down from that level. The third allows him to walk left... And the fourth allows him to go right. Make sure you set the right boxes or you might get errors. The fifth box will make the game think Mario's passed the level. It won't activate the event for that level, the only thing it does is let him go back by pressing Start+Select. If you want this available, check it. If you don't, leave it. The sixth box will make mario start at the midway point rather than the start of the level. The seventh box will not let mario enter the level if he has beat it before. The last box will let mario save after he beats the level. Make sure you set these sometimes, as people won't want to play a full hack nonstop without saving. Now you've probably got a lot of questions, but they'll probably be answered by the end of this guide, so just keep reading. ------------------------------- |4. 8x8 Event Review (8x8evrv)| ------------------------------- This is where people always mess up, so read carefully. Events are what happens after you beat a level, whether it's a hill appearing, a bridge repairing, rocks disappearing revealing a path, or even just simply a path appearing. This is the Green Hill Button with a star on it. How to use: First off, click the Green Hill with a star button. Now, there's a total of 0x77 events for you to use. That's more than plenty to make a good hack. Now, first off, to make an event, you MUST (I repeat, MUST!!!!!) delete the old events! I emphasize this because this is the step people ALWAYS mess up on, they make an event and don't delete the old ones. So, before we do anything, hold page up until all the paths in the game are unfurled. (at the bottom of the screen it'll say already at end (0x77)) Now go to the top left corner of the map, left click, hold, go to the bottom right corner, and click delete. Now every single event is gone from the game, and you're free to make your own without the hassle of the old events going off. But just to be sure, click on the Ghost House with a star on it and do the same thing. (There's a few weird events set to this weird editor, so just delete them to avoid errors.) Now that we have a clean slate, let's make our own. You're probably thinking "wait, you barely taught me anything!" But you'll see exactly what to do better by trying it yourself. Let's practice. Oh wait, but first we have to go over sprites. It'll be fast, I promise. -------------------------- |5. Sprites Review (sprv)| -------------------------- Sprites are what appear on the screen even after you delete everything. Sprites include Mario, Yoshi's house smoke, fish jumping out of the water when you go over a bridge, boos, etc. etc. To edit these, click the button with a fish on it. (it's the farthest button on the right) Then, you can select whatever sprites you want. Just make sure that you ALWAYS put Mario on your first level. That way he won't be in some random place only to select a level that doesn't exist and be stuck in an endless bonus game. Put him on the first level. Everything else is up to you, it's just decoration. ---------------------------------------------------- |6. Some practice to make sure you've got it (prtc)| ---------------------------------------------------- All right, now that you've messed around with the overworld a bit, open up a clean Super Mario World Rom. Yep, completely clean. We're starting from scratch. I'm going to go over the steps slowly so you get everything. Make sure you follow my instructions EXACTLY. Here we go! 1. Click on the Green Hill Button. 2. Select everything on Yoshi's Island and DELETE it. 3. On the right, you'll see several paths. Find the one of just a plain level circle. If you don't see it, copy one from the Overworld above. It's the thingy that a level sits on. 4. Hilight the whole circle and right click at the bottom left of your Yoshi's Island map. You should now have a nice little level circle in the middle of the ocean. I know it looks ugly, but this is just practice. 5. Now click on the ghost house. Then click the blue switch. Finally, select a glowing level tile that has a green mario path on it. (a glowing land tile, basically) 6. Left Click the level tile and right click right on the circle. Now you should have a level tile on a dirt circle. 7. Repeat step 4, only this time put the dirt circle three squares to the right of the first one and right click to make it appear. Now you should have a dirt circle with a glowing level tile on it, and another dirt circle three squares away from it with two squares of water inbetween. 8. Put another land tile on the second dirt circle, but make this one transparent. (a level tile that isn't glowing) Be sure to check, using Mario's Paths, that it is indeed a land tile. 9. Select the level on the left and click the edit level settings button. (the glowing level button) 10. Set the level to 105. In the second box, select Event Zero. Now you should have two level tiles three squares away from each other, one glowing and one transparent, and when you beat the first tile you'll activate event Zero. 11. In the third box, set it to Right. (so now mario will go right once he beats the level) 12. Now select the second tile. In the 5th box, set the event to reveal itself on to Event 0. See that? They link up. The first level activates event 0 and the second one appears on event 0. This is how all level tiles should work. 13. Now, before we make the event itself, we need to link these two so mario can walk across. Turn on mario's paths and open the 16x16 window. (ghost house) Now select a green mario path going right and paste it on the two water tiles going across. Now you should have, when Mario's Paths are turned on, two level tiles, one glowing one not, on two dirt circles, that are linked up with a green mario path. If you have that, you've done good to listen. 14. It's time to make event 0. Follow closely. 15. Click on the Green Hill with a star on it. 16. BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!!!!!, hold page up until you reach the last event and delete all the events. 17. NOW go back all the way down to Event 0 by holding Page Down. 18. Now click on that little white path button next to the blue switch button. 19. DOUBLE CHECK that you're on Event 0. 20. Now, note that events come out in the order you paste the paths... So don't paste the second tile then the first one. Paste them in order. 21. Select a white mario path going right, and paste it IN ORDER from left to right, thus linking up the two level tiles. 22. Now close the window. To check this worked, hit Page Down, then Page Up. If it worked, it should show the path appear, and the second tile will reveal itself. 23. I think I forgot to mention to set the second level tile to level 106. Do that now. 24. Check everything before testing. Turn on mario's paths. They should connect the two tiles. Now click on the first level tile. It should be level 105 and activate event 0 when you beat it. Now select the second one. It should be level 106 and reveal itself on event 0. 25. NOW we test it. Open up ZSNES (the emulator I recommend) and then open up your rom. Play it as normal. When it starts, make SURE you start a brand new file. Not 0 levels, but BRAND NEW so you see the message that says Peach is gone or whatever. Now you should see Mario on your first level tile, which should be glowing. It should say on the name YOSHI'S ISLAND 1. Now beat the level. The path should open up in order, and the second level tile should glow. Then, mario should walk from tile to tile. Now the second tile should be glowing and say YOSHI'S ISLAND 2. If you've gotten this far, you did everything right. You're now ready to make your own Super Mario World hack! --------------------------- |7. Email & Credits (crds)| --------------------------- This was made completely by hugezeldafan94. DO NOT copy this guide and post it on your site without emailing me asking for permission. I will probably say yes. I would like to give credit to the creator of Lunar Magic and Nintendo for creating such a great game that we now make knock-offs of it. And I'd like to thank you for reading this guide. Hopefully it helped you out. Questions? Comments? Problems? Email me at and I'll be happy to help you out. Thanks for reading! Good luck with your Super Mario World hack!